remote cabinet

In store Barbados

In store Barbados

> Running temperature: +3°C/+5°C
> Ambient Conditions: 25°C – 60% R.H
> FANS – Mounted on rear wall
> High Capacity Evaporators
> Temperature Controller
> Refrigeration Exit – Top of cabinet or Bottom Exit
> External Colours – Blue, Red, White, Black, Yellow,
> Silver, Grey, S.Steel
> Stainless Steel Bumper Rail
> LED Canopy Lights
> Night Curtains
[table width=”100%” colalign=”left|left|left”]
,,8ft ,12ft
Length ,mm ,2500 ,3750
Depth ,mm ,1130,1130,
Height ,mm ,1610,1610,
Thickness of end ,mm ,35 max 42,35 max 42,
Gross Volume ,m³ ,1.10/1.28 ,1.68 / 1.91
Total Display area ,m² ,3.11/3.48 ,4.67/5.21
Refrigeration Capacity (300 front at -10˚c) ,watt ,2820 ,4230
Rating Power ,watt ,1380 ,1840
Daily Electrical Consumption ,,3.9 ,5.3

emd equipped™
Breakthrough technology replaces a conventional thermostat with an advanced electronic energy management system to cool quicker and maintain a more consistent temperature, while saving precious electricity.

green advantage™
By combining EMD control with ECM fans, electronic expansion valves and high-performance coils, we are able to further reduce energy consumption while improving cooling performance.

swift swop™
Our innovative swift swop™ technology enables easy replacement of the refrigeration deck without unpacking the contents of the fridge and without any skilled labour.

low e cabinet™
A superior combination of LED lighting, polyurethane insulation and low emissivity glass yields power savings around 40% lower than conventional refrigeration units.