remote cabinet

commercial supermarket fridge with red strip and frozen food

In store Upright Glass Door

> LOW : Running temperature: -18°C/-20°C • -22°C/-24°C
: Ambient Conditions: 25°C – 60% R.H
> MED : Running temperature: 0°C/+2°C
: Ambient Conditions: 25°C – 60% R.H

> External Colours – Blue, Red, White, Black, Yellow, Silver, Grey, S.Steel
> Stainless Steel Bumper Rail

-24° to +2°C

SABS Approved stamps with south African flag

[table width=”100%” colalign=”left|left|left|left”]
Length ,mm ,2343 3124
Width ,mm ,940,940
Height ,mm ,Front Glass : 335 / Total Height : 2040,Front Glass : 335 / Total Height : 2040
Thickness of end ,mm ,50,50
Gross Volume ,m³ ,218,291
Total Display area ,m² ,2.17,2.89 ,
Evaporator fans ,nr.x watt ,3×65,4×65
Evaporator fans,watt ,195,260
Lighting ,nr.x watt ,4×35,5×35
Lighting,watt ,140,175
Antimist heater ,watt ,755(L) 378(M), 1000(L) 500(M)
Defrost Heater ,nr.x watt ,3×950(L) 1X950(M), 3X1250(L) 1X1250(M)
Nr. Defrost in 24h ,nr.x 24h ,1/24h ~ 60 min def. +6˚C,1/24h ~ 60 min def. +6˚C
Orifice ,nr. ,TES2or.04 ,TES2or.05
Refrigeration Capacity (-35˚C) ,watt ,1790 ,2380
Rating Power ,watt ,1182 ,1550
Daily electrical consumption ,KWH/24 ,26.8 ,35.3
Orifice ,nr. ,TES2or.01 ,TES2or.02
Refrigeration Capacity  (-10˚C) ,watt ,1090 ,1460
Rating Power ,watt ,805 ,1050
Daily electrical consumption ,KWH/24 ,16.6 ,21.9

industrial freezers and refrigerators, HMR

emd equipped™

Breakthrough technology replaces a conventional thermostat with an advanced electronic energy management system to cool quicker and maintain a more consistent temperature, while saving precious electricity.

industrial freezers and refrigerators, HMR

green advantage™

By combining EMD control with ECM fans, electronic expansion valves and high-performance coils, we are able to further reduce energy consumption while improving cooling performance.

industrial freezers and refrigerators, HMR

swift swop™

Our innovative swift swop™ technology enables easy replacement of the refrigeration deck without unpacking the contents of the fridge and without any skilled labour.

industrial freezers and refrigerators, HMR

low e cabinet™

A superior combination of LED lighting, polyurethane insulation and low emissivity glass yields power savings around 40% lower than conventional refrigeration units.

industrial freezers and refrigerators, HMR
black man in butchery uniform smiling

25 years of quality

As we look forward to our 25th anniversary in 2022, we review the successes of the business and our road to becoming the most trusted company in our category.
Our innovative products and their reputation for reliability in harsh Southern African conditions are the cornerstone of our success. We thank all of our customers and our team of committed staff members for your unwavering support.


our clients have discovered the JUST difference

Our vast customer base includes some of the most prestigious blue chip companies in South Africa, with a focus on leading beverage bottlers, top qualifying distributors and major corporates. These discerning buyers demand quality and JUST delivers!

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